


Safe and environmentally friendly through systematic environmental management practices I am running a business.


We are conducting safe and environmentally friendly corporate management through systematic environmental management practices.


MCNEX has established the Environment Health & Safety Policy and operates an environmental management system to implement environmental management. The company has obtained ISO 14001 for its Incheon Songdo headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Vietnam, operating a comprehensive environmental management system. KPIs are established and managed for key environmental performance indicators such as greenhouse gas emissions, energy, waste, and water resources. Furthermore, as part of the Health & Safety Environment Policy , MCNEX strives to minimize negative environmental impacts resulting from its business activities, including energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution management, and resource conservation.

  • MCNEX Co., Ltd. achieves its social responsibilities through respect for human beings, preservation of the natural environment and, practice environment-friendly and health & safety as the top priority in business activities in order to fulfil the management philosophy of customer and stakeholder satisfaction.
    • 1.Establish and operate an Environmental Health & Safety Management System to foster an environmentally and safety-friendly culture, ensuring a safe and pleasant work environment that all stakeholders, including employees, local communities, customers, and partners, can trust.
    • 2.Participates in international efforts to address climate change by expanding the use of renewable energy, establishing systems for measuring and disclosing greenhouse gas emissions, and optimizing energy efficiency to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.
    • 3.Sets environmental management as a core priority through the assessment of environmental impacts and risks associated with products, facilities, activities, and services. It transparently discloses performance and systems to internal and external stakeholders.
    • 4.Reduces subsidiary materials and energy in all processes such as product development, design, production, service and disposal in order to minimize the environmental impact caused by the emission of pollutants and hazardous substances.
    • 5.Operating eco-friendly factories, Pursues the minimization of air pollutants and the sustainable use of water resources, collaborating with local communities to contribute to biodiversity protection.
    • 6.Establish and thoroughly comply with management standards to prevent environmental and safety accidents by identifying relevant laws and other requirements and reflecting them in the environment and health & safety management system.
    • 7.For disaster prevention and health promotion, risk factors are removed in advance, and damage is prevented and minimized when it occurs.
    • 8.All executives and employees conduct education and training to recognize and achieve policy, and continue to improve by faithfully performing their respective responsibilities and roles.
  • We will faithfully implement the health & safety management system by announcing our environmental, health & safety policy to all executives, employees and stakeholders by establishing and implementing an action plan that includes specific actions to achieve our goals.
Environmental Management Response Governance

    • ESG TF Management Council

    • Environment(General Affairs Part)

      • Environmental management KPI

      • Energy Greenhouse Gas

      • Environmental pollutants

      • Environmental Assessment/Regulatory


MCNEX is establishing and expanding environmental management throughout the organization based on the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. It has identified greenhouse gas emissions reduction, water usage reduction, and the establishment of emission control systems as core environmental management tasks and is actively pursuing related activities from a long-term perspective.

2050 Carbon Neutrality Achieved
Introduction of Real-time monitoring of wastewater treatment and Regenerative Management System
Establishment of a Waste management system such as air, waste, and chemicals
MCNEX has analyzed the impact of the climate crisis on its business and identified materiality issues to devise response strategies. Through this, it has identified climate change risks such as natural disasters and rising energy prices and continues to improve the risk management process derived to minimize these risks.

Climate Change Response

Short term Medium term Long term
Business Impacts Response
Impact of rising temperatures on product production and increased distribution costs Continual promotion of transitioning corporate vehicles to eco-friendly electric cars and establishment of GHG inventory

Energy Management

Short term Medium term Long term
Business Impacts Response
Increased energy costs and energy supply instability Promotion of energy-saving activities in daily life

Transition to Renewable Energy

Short term Medium term Long term
Business Impacts Response
Increased procurement costs due to rising demand for renewable energy Operation of an energy management system at the Vietnam facility and plans to install eco-friendly solar panels at the Incheon Songdo headquarters

Waste Management and Recycling

Short term Medium term Long term
Business Impacts Response
Increased waste disposal costs and heightened climate change risks due to exacerbated environmental pollution
  • Enhancement of resource efficiency through comprehensive waste management practices, including separating and disposing of general and hazardous waste
  • Contribution to environmental protection by saving approximately 50% of the supply water and reducing wastewater volume through the regeneration system at the Vietnam facility
MCNEX measures and reports greenhouse gas emissions according to the GHG Protocol, an internationally recognized standard for GHG emission reporting. To ensure the reliability of GHG emissions, it plans to undergo third-party verification. We also plans to reduce GHG emissions through initiatives such as transitioning corporate vehicles to electric cars and installing solar panels, continuing its efforts in this direction.

Scope 1 (Direct emissions)

Unit 2021 2022 2023 2024 Target
tCO2eq 22.4 31.5 37.4 27(-5%)

Scope 2 (Indirect emissions)

Unit 2021 2022 2023 2024 Target
tCO2eq 1,141.7 1,367.4 1,276.8 960(-5%)

Scope 1+Scope 2

Unit 2021 2022 2023 2024 Target
tCO2eq 1,164.1 1,398.9 1,314.2 987


MCNEX TOWER. 13-39, Songdogwahak-ro 16beon-gil, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
T_02.2025.3600 F_02.2025.3610