We practice respect for people and socially
responsible management.


The safety and health of our employees is a top priority for us,
and we practice safety and health management.


QEHS management system to embed environmental health and safety and quality
management activities into corporate culture

We contribute to a sustainable future society by fulfilling our
social responsibility and continuous development through mature
quality management and health & safety environmental activities.
Become a leading company through global
health & safety environment and quality management.

QEHS management system will be applied to all business sites, including overseas subsidiaries, to establish a strict quality management system and protect the company and employees from various disasters, which is the basic social responsibility of the company. With this in mind, we will create sustainable corporate competitiveness and increased customer value. We aim to become a global leading company by operating our business with the priority principle of creating a clean environment.


The EHS management system satisfies both domestic and global standards as it covers the subjects
of ISO14001 and ISO45001 audit standards.

Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
Risk Identification and Assessment
EHS Goal Setting
Execution and Operation
Improvement Management
Executive Evaluation
  • EHS Key Management Factor
  • Achieve Zero-Accident
  • Prevention of Environmental Pollution
  • Create a Healthy Workplace



MCNEX obtained OSHAS 18001 certification and subsequently renewed it to ISO 45001, operating the safety and health management system that meets global standards. To ensure stable management and development of the management system, it undergoes regular maintenance and renewal audits.

Workplace risk assessment To identify and improve potential hazards within the workplace, we conduct regular workplace risk assessments annually.
Risk assessments are classified into four categories based on risk factors, and the frequency/intensity of risks is calculated to determine the level of risk. Depending on the risk level, improvement activities are carried out after dividing them into grades.
Industrial Safety and Health Committee Through Industrial Safety and Health Committee composed of workers and company representatives, regularly deliberates and resolves important matters regarding safety and health.
It operates an safety and health suggestion box where employees can freely express their opinions on safety and health matters, compiling and managing employees' safety and health errors, suggestions, and concerns for improvement.
Promotion of employee health To support the physical and mental health management of employees, we conduct general/special/comprehensive health check-ups annually. We also regularly evaluate tasks that impose burdens on the human body through musculoskeletal hazard assessments and continuously improve them.
To prevent occupational diseases resulting from work, we have established agreements with nearby hospitals to provide medical services and offer an on-site health management room and rest areas to help workers alleviate work fatigue and take appropriate breaks.
Industrial Accident Management We have managed to maintain a zero occurrence of fatal accidents and serious incidents over the past three years. In the event of an accident, we follow established processes for emergency treatment and care, and we promptly compile accident reports and develop improvement measures


We pursue sustainable development by conducting human rights-friendly
business activitiessustainable development.

Article 1 (Prohibition of Discrimination) We do not discriminate in employment matters such as recruitment, hiring, promotion, training, wages, and benefits based on gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, age, family status, social status, or political views without a reasonable cause. We are committed to fostering an organizational culture that respects the diversity of our employees. We respond to confirmed cases of discrimination with a zero-tolerance policy.
Article 2 (Prohibition of Harassment in the workplace) We prohibit actions that cause physical or mental distress or deteriorate the working environment by abusing one's position in the workplace beyond reasonable work-related boundaries. These actions include sexual harassment, which induces sexual humiliation or disgust, as well as bullying and threats.
Article 3 (Compliance with working hours) We comply with the legal working hours in each country where it operates and provide fair compensation to all employees, along with a detailed pay slip. Additionally, we offer training opportunities and a suitable work environment to support the skill development and quality of life of all employees. Furthermore, the company covers all costs related to employee recruitment, such as fees and intermediary charges.
Article 4 (Humane Treatment) We respect the privacy of all employees and thoroughly protect their personal information. We also do not engage in any form of coercion, abuse, or unreasonable treatment, either mentally or physically.
Article 5 (Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining) We respect the labor laws of the countries where this Human Rights Charter applies and provide all employees with opportunities for communication.
Article 6 (Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor) We do not force any employee to work against their will by means of assault, threats, confinement, or by demanding identification documents or visas. Additionally, child labor is strictly prohibited, and measures are taken to ensure that the work does not restrict educational opportunities for young workers.
Article 7 (Industrial safety) We regularly inspect the facilities, equipment, and tools at the workplace to ensure that all employees can work in a safe environment. Appropriate measures are taken to prevent physical and mental risks, and support plans are established for post-incident management.
Article 8 (Protection of Human Rights of local residents) All employees are mindful not to infringe upon the human rights of local residents while performing their duties. They protect the rights of local residents to safety and health, as well as their freedom of residence.
Article 9 (Customer Human Rights protection) All employees must prioritize the protection of customers' lives, health, and property when providing products and services. They must also take all necessary measures to protect the personal information collected through business activities.
Article 10 (Wages and Welfare) We sets employee wages above the minimum wage prescribed by labor laws in each country or region. Additionally, the company strives to adhere to the principle of paying a living wage to support the basic needs of employees and their families in all countries where it operates.
To address discrimination and workplace harassment-related grievances from all stakeholders, we operate ESG Hotline System on our website. The identity and content of the report are strictly confidential, and we make every effort to protect the whistleblower.
The labor-management council is composed of an equal number of workers and company representatives, and it discusses important matters related to employees' working conditions through ad hoc or regular meetings. Additionally, as needed, presentations are conducted for all employees.
We provide training programs to enhance employees' capabilities, including online training, in-house group training, internal education through in-house instructors, external education, and seminar attendance. Through these development programs, we aim to improve employees' professional expertise. Additionally, we operate a mentoring system to ensure the successful onboarding of new employees.
We are striving to enhance the quality of life and promote a balance between work and personal life through welfare benefits programs. Additionally, we are working towards fostering an organizational culture that does not discriminate between regular, temporary, and contract employees.
  • - Model employee rewards
  • - Rewards for long terms of service
  • - Provide scholarships to children
  • - Rewards for the subjects of compliments
  • - Mentoring system
  • - Holiday gifts
  • - Meals offered
  • - Dormitory provided
  • - Comprehensive health checkups
  • - Health management program
  • - Non-smoking fund
  • - Congratulatory/monetary awards provided
  • - Company club activities
  • - Company condo
  • -Workshops and cultural activities
  • - Flexible Work System


Build a quality operations system to deliver business value.

  • Quality Policy

  • Planning

  • Implementation and Operation

  • Inspection

  • Management Review

  • Continuous Improvement

Established in 2004, MCNEX Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing camera modules, etc. The quality management policy is declared as follows for customer and quality satisfaction.

Strengthening Global Market Responsiveness

Understanding the importance of the globalization, we will provide customer satisfaction through quality product and technical support service with a global mindset.

Continuous Development of Quality Innovation.

We will always be willing adapt, change and innovate to remain competitive in the rapidly changing market without fear of failure.

Compliance with Customer’s Needs and Domestic & International Laws

We pursue common development from a long-term perspective by thinking from the customer's point of view, and build mutual trust & cooperation by complying with the laws of each country in all areas of business. Each year, we establish quality goals and manage performance in accordance to our annual strategic business plan. Also, do our utmost effort to innovate with

All executives and employees of our company must be familiar with and understand the quality policy and do their best to satisfy customers, manage the efficient operation of the management system through regular management reviews every year, and perform their duties as required.


Expanding the sustainability of our socially responsible and green supply chain

Conflict Minerals Policy Definition

MCNEX Co., Ltd. has implemented the following rules to prevent the inflow of minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt, etc.) mined from conflict zones where serious human rights violations are taking place as a source of profit for armed criminal groups.

Definition of Conflict Minerals

Natural resource that is mined through serious human rights violations and exploitation, and the profits are used for the activities of armed criminal groups.

  • Conflict Areas: Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Central African Republic, Congo, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda
  • Conflict Minerals: Tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt mined in the above areas.
Purpose of establishment of Conflict Minerals Management process

Mainly, it is to effectively mange use of conflict minerals to prevent the inflow of funds to the criminal armed rebel group that have profited from mining whiled contributing to violence and exploitation of human rights.

Scope of use of Conflict Minerals

All parts and raw materials used in the products MCNEX manufacture/produce

MCNEX's Conflict Mineral Policy

MCNEX Co., Ltd. prohibits the use of conflict minerals in disputed areas, and continues to induce its partners to use conflict-free minerals while complying with its policy of prohibiting the use of conflict minerals.

MCNEX Co., Ltd. reviews the use of conflict minerals every year in the supply and demand of all parts and raw materials supplied by its partners, and if the use of conflict minerals is confirmed, it will immediately be replaced with minerals free from conflict.

MCNEX Co., Ltd. may suspend the transaction with the partner if necessary information to confirm the use of conflict minerals are not provided, or delivers information that is different from the facts.

MCNEX Co., Ltd. will actively participate in international efforts to ban the use of conflict minerals with its partners and customers, thereby fulfilling its social responsibility to protect the human rights of the Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring countries.


MCNEX established the Supplier Code of Conduct in May 2024 to build a sustainable supply chain.
The Supplier Code of Conduct outlines principles that suppliers must adhere to regarding human rights, health
and safety, environment, ethics, and overall sustainability during their business operations.

Supplier Code of Conduct DOWN LOAD


We will do our best as a corporate citizen based on
the principle of social responsibility


MCNEX creates a happy future where everyone grows together
A sustainable company that fulfills social responsibility


We will continue to carry out social contribution activities with the aim of a
"sustainable company that fulfils social responsibility."

Contribution to Community
Shared growth with local communities through systematic and continuous social contribution activities
Participation and Interaction
Promoting social contribution with mutual understanding and participation
Pursuing social contributions that can always create social values

Social Contribution Activities


MCNEX who leads change of future will take a big step to the world with continuous innovative technology. The invisible core technology of MCNEX is unseen but to turn everyone's imagination into reality,
is always closed to our life every time and everywhere.



We will send you news and information about MCNEX on a regular basis via email.


We will review and respond to inquiries as quickly as possible.

Contact Us

MCNEX TOWER. 13-39, Songdogwahak-ro 16beon-gil, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
T. +82. 2. 2025. 3600 F. +82. 2. 2025. 3610