


We practice ESG management through socially responsible business activities and transparent and fair governance practices.


Stakeholders to ensure that MCNEX continues to grow and develop in the future. We ask for your interest and support.

“Dear Esteemed Stakeholders”

MCNEX has published a sustainability report that includes activities and achievements in environmental, social, and governance (ESG). This is to share the direction of ESG management with our stakeholders. MCNEX aims to achieve sustainable development together with our stakeholders through the following ESG management activities.

First, we will realize customer satisfaction management through continuous innovation and challenges.
We prioritize customer satisfaction, providing products and services that meet customer needs, and responding proactively to customer demands through continuous communication. To this end, we are continuously strengthening our R&D capabilities, including the development of next-generation autonomous driving solutions. We also enhance customer value through an internationally recognized production quality management system.
Second, we will create an organizational culture where employees can be happy and grow.
MCNEX aims to be an innovative and competent company contributing to the 21st-century multimedia industry by improving organizational culture and HR systems. We foster a horizontal working environment that respects and recognizes each other regardless of race, nationality, gender, age, or disability. We actively support opportunities for all employees to develop their skills and enhance their professionalism, allowing individuals and the organization to grow together.
Third, we will strengthen our ESG management system and practice green management.
MCNEX is practicing green management to achieve 2050 carbon neutrality through eco friendly process operation, such as waste management systems and regenerative management systems. In addition, we are continuously promoting the conversion of corporate vehicles to electric cars. In 2024, we plan to accelerate the transition to renewable energy by installing solar energy panels at our headquarters in Songdo, Incheon. Furthermore, to enhance our level of ESG management, we have established an ESG management team. The ESG Management Team will oversee activities and achievements related to the environment, society, and governance, actively responding to global initiatives and the demands of global customers by disclosing ESG information and internalizing ESG among employees.
Fourth, we will become a trusted company by engaging in ethical and shareholder-friendly management activities.
MCNEX has established Code of Ethics Practice Guide and Supplier Code of Conduct to prevent ethical risks and conducts employee integrity surveys to prevent related issues. We are also continuously strengthening our dividend policy to enhance shareholder value and making every effort to communicate with stakeholders. Through transparent board operations and responsible management, we aim to be a trusted company by our stakeholders.

We ask for your continued interest and support so that MCNEX can continue to grow and develop sustainably in the future.



Increasing stakeholder value through continuous innovation and challenges for a sustainable future

  • Customer

  • Supplier

  • Employee

  • Community

  • Shareholder


Increasing stakeholder value through continuous innovation and challenges for a sustainable future


Achieving 2050 carbon neutrality

Eco-Friendly Factory Management
  • - Establishing a solar power generation system
  • - Improving energy efficiency at the Vietnam plant
Establishment of Emission Management System
  • - Conducting monitoring and risk analysis through regenerative management system
  • - Establishing a waste management system for resource recycling
Raising Environmental Awareness
  • - Promoting the diversification of climate change and biodiversity conservation activities

Creating social value for stakeholders

Zero industrial accidents
  • - Continuous investment in workplace safety and health
  • - Establishing a healthy workplace
Enhanced Supply Chain ESG Management System
  • - Conduct ESG assessment for new supplier contracts
  • - Scheduled ESG audits for key suppliers

Establishing a transparent and sound corporate governance

Expansion of Stakeholder Disclosure
  • - Establishment of Corporate Governance Report
  • - Expansion of ESG Performance Disclosure
Enhancement of Ethical Management System
  • - Establishment of ESG Grievance Redressal Channel
  • - Revision of Code of Ethics and Human Rights Policy
Improvement of ESG Risk Management System
  • - Strengthening Non-Financial Risk Management

MCNEX defines customers, partners, employees, local communities, shareholders, and investors as key stakeholders, aiming for sustainable development with them. We operate various communication channels to engage with stakeholders, actively gathering their opinions to inform our management activities and transparently disclose the outcomes through sustainable management reports.


Key Issues Communication Channels (Frequency)
Improvement of Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Survey
Enhancement of Product Safety and Quality Management Sales Channels (Ongoing)
Incorporation of Customer Feedback Website and Social Media (Ongoing)
Enhancement of Product Price Competitiveness Offline Exhibitions (N/Year)


Key Issues Communication Channels (Frequency)
Mutual Growth with Suppliers Survey
ESG Management of Suppliers Website (Ongoing)
Improving Working Conditions Business Site Visits (As Needed)
Fair Trade Exchange Meetings (N/Year)


Key Issues Communication Channels (Frequency)
Work-Life Balance Labor-Management Council (Quarterly)
Fair Performance Evaluation and Compensation Industrial Safety and Health Committee (Quarterly)
Employee Capability Strengthening Intranet Homepage Bulletin Board (Ongoing)
Respect for Human Rights and Diversity Grievance Redressal Channel (Ongoing)
Labor-Management Relations


Key Issues Communication Channels (Frequency)
Social Contribution Activities Social Contribution Activities (Ongoing)
Promoting Local Community Economic Activities Local Institutions and Organizations (Ongoing)
Promotion of Recruitment Local Talent (Ongoing)

Shareholders & Investors

Key Issues Communication Channels (Frequency)
Sound Corporate Governance Corporate Disclosure (Ongoing)
Corporate Disclosure (Ongoing) Annual Shareholders' Meeting (Once a Year)
Economic Value Creation IR Website (Ongoing)

MCNEX is establishing an ESG management team and forming a cooperative system, ESG TF, within the responsible department to practice sustainable management. Additionally, to establish sustainable governance, preparations are underway to establish an ESG Committee. The ESG Committee will receive management information related to environmental, social, and governance issues, discuss improvement measures, share progress and performance, and enhance MCNEX's ESG management practices.


    • ESG Management Team

    • ESG TF Management Council

      • Environment

      • SafetyㆍHealth

      • Human Resource

      • Supply Chain

      • Product Quality

      • EthicㆍCompliance


MCNEX TOWER. 13-39, Songdogwahak-ro 16beon-gil, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea
T_02.2025.3600 F_02.2025.3610